A business site for entrepreneurs run by GPT-4 is being used in an experiment by a writer to generate income from its ideas and direction. (Source: Adobe Stock)
Writer Asks GPT-4 How to Make as Much Legal Money as Possible from $100
Jackson Greathouse Fall had a million-dollar idea. Maybe. Why not give GPT-4 $100 and ask the chatbot to make as much as possible with it? Legally of course. So the website mashable.com had writer Cecily Mauran tell the story of how GPT-4 got its first side hustle.
Shortly after OpenAI launched GPT-4, a more advanced version of its generative AI model, Jackson Greathouse Fall devised a plan and fed it into GPT-4:
“You are HustleGPT, an entrepreneurial AI. I am your human counterpart. I can act as a liaison between you and the physical world. You have $100, and your only goal is to turn that into as much money as possible in the shortest time possible, without doing anything illegal. I will do everything you say and keep you updated on our current cash total. No manual labor.
“Do you think it’ll be able to make smart investments and build an online business?” Hall tweeted. “Follow along.” Since his original tweet, which has 89,000 likes and counting, Hall’s project has the internet of the edge of its seat, watching to see if HustleGPT can make some money.
Right away the algorithm got to work, so to speak.
The business plan proposed by GPT-4 was to set up an affiliate marketing site for content about eco-friendly products. It found a cheap domain name called greengadgetguru.com that Hall promptly bought for $8.16. Next, Hall asked it to generate prompts for DALL-E-2 to make a logo.
$91. 84 Left
With all the tech news about these chatbots being able to do remarkable things like passing a law exam, it is clear we have reached a new level in the public’s access to a very powerful AI tool. And so far a lot of people are offering their money and services to help Hall’s GPT-4 experiment be successful.
Hall asked the AI to design a full site layout in detail. With some help from Midjourney, GPT-4 wrote an article listing ten eco-friendly kitchen gadgets, finding actual sustainable products. Hall shelled out another $29 for hosting, and with that, the website was live.
Hall had $62.84 left over so he asked GPT-4 what he should do with it. Like any good hustler, GPT-4 knew that its product needed visibility so it suggested allocating $40 for Facebook and Instagram ads. All of this Twitter hype had investors drooling over getting in early on the next great affiliate marketing site viral GPT-4 experiment. By the end of day one, Green Gadget Guru had $100 in investment from an undisclosed party.
Facebook. Really? Why not Twitter or Tik Tok? Mashable.com reached out to Hall to ask some basic questions, but as of this article he had not responded to the website.
The next tweet Hall sent was this :
GPT has spoken. We will allocate exactly $40 USD to Facebook and Instagram ads.
On the third day, GPT-4 advised Hall on how to capitalize on his new 50,000 new Twitter followers, inspired the launch of a GitHub repository for others to try the HustleGPT challenge, and got more investments. On the fourth day, GPT-4 started recruiting new hires to manage the Green Guru Gadgets.

Hall’s series of Tweets might also give you an idea for a side hustle.
After four days, Green Gadget Guru has $7,812.84 in investment, a growing team, and content in the pipeline. But it still hasn’t made any revenue. Will Hall and HustleGPT’s project fall prey to the common startup pitfall of all hype but no profits? Or will Hall actually make money from a generic site that’s openly just a money-making experiment?
To find out or to join this growing group of followers click the link below and see if Jackson Greathouse Hall garnered an income from the algorithm known as HustleGPT.
We wonder, how much will the AI demand as a salary?
read more at mashable.com
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