The Pulitzer Center’s AI Accountability Network will give journalists the resources to investigate and explore the impact of algorithms on society.
The Pulitzer Center Wants to Hold Tech Companies Accountable for Algorithm Usage
The Pulitzer Center, a nonprofit organization that supports independent, global journalism, is now accepting applications for its new Artificial Intelligence Accountability Network. The Center is ready to move forward immediately, seeking to cover a lot of ground in empowering journalists to understand and become immersed in writing about the algorithms being employed around the planet.
The basic idea for the AIA Network is to expand the field of algorithmic accountability reporting by supporting journalists with hefty grants, to report on AI and with AI. The Network aims to support critical, in-depth reporting and nurture a global network of journalists who share and learn together about this urgent, underreported issue.
“This is not just a technology story but an equity and accountability one, too,” said Marina Walker Guevara, the Pulitzer Center’s executive editor. “We are thrilled to help improve and expand this emerging field, especially at the local level.”
The Pulitzer Centers targets are all about understanding the AI that is being used in policing, criminal justice, human rights, hiring practices, and more.
Right now the world of AI is a bit like the Wild West. A lot of outsized characters from tech companies are involved and some are downright shady. Perhaps a depository of worldwide algorithms and their usage is really an idea that is long overdue in implementation.
The eight-month-long Fellowship will provide each journalist up to $20,000 to pursue their projects to cover records requests, travel expenses, data analysis, and stipends. In addition, the Fellows will have access to mentors and relevant training with a group of peers that will help strengthen their reporting projects.
For more details on the AI Accountability Fellowships, including deadlines, requirements, and benefits, click here.
Machine Learning Grants As Well
The Machine Learning Grants will provide financial support for journalists seeking to use machine learning to augment their reporting capacity on investigative and data journalism projects. The grants will be in the range of $10,000-$25,000 per project, depending on the scope and complexity of the project and the types of media formats involved.
For more details on how to apply for the Machine Learning Grants, please click here.
The AI Accountability Network is coordinated by Pulitzer Center Senior Editor Boyoung Lim with the support of Executive Editor Marina Walker Guevara and the Pulitzer Center’s editorial team.
The Pulitzer Center.org provided the article about the grants and with the hits to our economy, the grants couldn’t come at a more opportune time for AI and ML journalists.
read more at pulitzercenter.org
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