The direction dor DALL-E called for “A Shrimp Crying On A Cloud Of Ham”
Animation Is Becoming An Entirely New Art Form With AI
Recently, Seeflection.com carried a story about Open AI’s DALL-E algorithm. The article was from back in April but it has only taken a few weeks for this particular version to become the standard for creative digital artists.
AI tools like Open AI’s DALL-E have quickly become a favorite among artists, allowing them to generate extremely specific and surreal images by typing things like “cats playing chess in space” or “shrimp sitting on a park bench contemplating life.”
Janus Rose of vice.com wrote a follow-up article highlighting digital artist David O’Reilly. O’Reilly has been using the generative systems to create an entire animated children’s cartoon called “Bartak.” It is psychedelic, to say the very least.

A single frame from O’Reilly’s Bartak cartoon, which was created with AI.
Here is the link to the full cartoon version of BARTAK: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdtow9YlUuP/
“O’Reilly, a 3D artist who is well-known for creating these kinds of disturbing animations, describes the short as a “sneak peak” of a series that uses “the awesome power of AI to create the perfect kid’s entertainment.” In an Instagram post, O’Reilly claims that a “full-season order of 75,000 episodes is now being generated”—which may or may not be true, given his track record of unsettling one-off provocations. (O’Reilly could not be reached for comment.)”
As we mentioned the use of this algorithm will produce some things you like and some things you don’t like. Researchers have found that these systems are also prone to generating results that reproduce racist and sexist stereotypes. In an analysis of DALL-E, Open AI’s researchers found that typing things like “CEO” would exclusively generate images of white men while typing “nurse” would produce images of Southeast Asian women.
So it’s clear there is still work to be done when creating these algorithms. But their usage and the powerful images they will be creating will truly change the face of industrial or marketing art on many levels. As for O’Reilly, he and his fans are completely sold on Open AI’s Dall-E2
“It’s really inspiring to see how well Bartak has helped my kids understand the world around them, and taught me how to be a better parent!” writes one Instagram commenter of the extremely cursed cartoon. “My kids are so much smarter as a result. You want to see the excitement in their eyes, especially at the hands of a show like this.”
So check out the full Bartak cartoon at the link above and see what you think of the next version of the animation creation that is coming our way.
read more at vice.com
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