Open Source AI Projects

Adobe Introduces Own GAI Imagery Generator

Adobe's Firefly is asked to create the letter [...]

Gaming AI Morphs into Surgical Training Algorithm

A medical student trains for surgery on an [...]

Salon Columnists Criticize Use of ChatGPT

The over-the-top responses for the new Bing ChatGPT [...]

Chatbots Go Wild with Bad Info, Personas

Taking online with a chatbot can produce some [...]

Microsoft, Google Chat Tech Contest Heating Up

Microsoft CEOs: Current and past. L-R: Bill Gates, [...]

OpenAI Offers Monthly Subscription to ChatGPT

Open AI offers a monthly subscription for ChatGPT. [...]

New Tools Help Detect Bot-Written Content

While ChatGPT is all the rage currently, bot [...]

Meta’s AI Chief Calls Chatbots Improved Old Tech

Yann LeCun, pictured at Ecole Polytechnique during a [...]

Google Shares Vision of Chatbots, Announces Layoffs

Reports say Google has become alarmed over the [...]

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