More high tech conferences canceled as COVID-19 concerns overrule corporate events.
Google to Drop Developer Conference, Facebook Follows Suit
Fears over a potential outbreak of COVID-19 has forced Google to postpone its annual I/O developer conference, normally held in May at the Shoreline Amphitheater just across the street from Googleplex headquarters in Mountain View, California.
According to a story in in vrscouts.com, several other tech companies are canceling conferences and meetings, too. Among those are Facebook. In addition, big-name artists like Lady Gaga and Pearl Jam have canceled tours, groups have canceled athletic events and even schools and colleges have closed classes.
Facebook has already stated it will be hosting a series of live streams to compensate for an in-person conference. Google may pull off a similar feat, organizing remote panels and conducting online workshops in lieu of a physical activation.
“Due to concerns around the coronavirus (COVID-19), and in accordance with health guidance from the CDC, WHO, and other health authorities, we have decided to cancel the physical Google I/O event at Shoreline Amphitheatre,” Google said in a statement. “Over the coming weeks, we will explore other ways to evolve Google I/O to best connect with and continue to build our developer community. We’ll continue to update the Google I/O website.”
Those who’ve already purchased tickets will receive a full refund by March 13, with the ability to automatically buy tickets for Google I/O 2021. Much like how Facebook has pledged $500,000 to San Jose organizations after canceling F8, Google is donating a sizable $1 million to local Mountain View businesses and organizations in support of educational STEM and science programs.
Virus Effects in China
As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to spread throughout the globe, the major and minor effects of the global pandemic are widespread: the cancellation of large events and public gatherings, government-mandated quarantines, and low supplies of disinfectant equipment at nearly every store. People have begun changing the way they greet their friends to ways that don’t involve a hug, high-five, or virtually any other type of physical contact.
Nikk Mitchell, Founder and CEO of FXG, had been quarantined to his home in Hangzhou, China for over a month due to COVID-19. After residents were finally permitted to leave their domiciles, Mitchel took to the streets with a 360-degree camera to document how the coronavirus outbreak had impacted one of China’s most prominent tech and art hubs.
Be sure you follow the latest information at Coronavirus.gov. Also it would be advisable to check your future events that you may have planned for cancellation.
This epidemic shows the dangers and risks of the real world. Events around the world are being cancelled for safety reasons. VR shows that even under quarantine most are able to lead a semi-normal life. It’s not necessary to use physical space to socialize, work or run a conference. Activities like HTC’s V2EC2020 prove that conferences can be done virtually, and is also leading organizers to rethink of the costs (personal and environmental) of running enormous physical events.
Though many in the U.S. are not under quarantine, the reality is COVID-19 is spreading at a rapid rate, meaning it’s important prepare for a potential lockdown. Just recently, the entire country of Italy was put under quarantine, and New York recently established a “Containment Zone” in Rochester.
read more at vrscout.com
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