Internet of Things

    Philanthropist Bill Gates Expounds on AI’s Future

    Bill Gates, pictured here speaking at the World [...]

      Metaverse Spreads into Medicine, Prone to Attacks

      Surgeons performed brain surgery on twins using VR [...]

        Company Aims to Microchip/Blockchain Nearly Anything

        Signs of Blending Realities in the Metaverse of Things [...]

          Study Says Children Lack AI Education

          Decision-makers and tech innovators must prioritize children's rights [...]

            Writer Puts Competing Sweepers through the Paces for Reviews

            The Samsung Jet Bot AI Plus is a [...]

              Andrew Ng Helps Raises $57M for Landing AI

              Andrew Ng has big plans for Landing AI [...]

                Alethea AI Raises Millions with Cuban’s Aid

                The metaverse awaits your avatar. (Source: Althea) [...]

                  Altana Startup Crusades for Supply Chains

                  Altana AI has the goal of becoming the [...]

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