A drawing with squiggles along with some written guidance is translated into a photorealistic landscape by Nvidia Canvas. (Source: Nvidia)

Eye-Popping  New Software Works Wonders with Text or Scribbles for Design Projects

There are so many professions in the modern world that rely upon AI for photo editing, art, or designing a multitude of products. Some folks just love to doodle with drawings or paintings, but these folks may not be very artistically gifted. AI takes away all worry when it comes to helping even terrible artists make masterpieces.

Katie Wickens has a new piece in pcgamers.com that shows just how far AI-assisted art has advanced. She recommends everyone tries out the free software that could help with their creativity. Nvidia Canvas, which has just been updated with the more powerful GauGAN2 AI, to replace the original GauGAN model, along with loads of new features.

The Nvidia Canvas software is available for free to anyone with an Nvidia RTX graphics card. This is because the software uses the tensor cores present in your GPU to let the AI do its job.

“If you’ve not had a go, it basically involves scribbling blobs onto the left canvas with brushes marked ‘gravel,’ ‘cloud,’ or ‘water’ while the AI translates those blobs into a landscape.

Wickens goes on to show the results of AI transforming her scribbles into cool pictures. The pic below shows it works pretty well.

The software will also translate typewritten words into pictures. A recent GauGAN2 browser demo proved that to Nvidia’s latest AI, a picture is worth not a thousand, but just a few well-placed words. In seconds, the AI can translate a string of words into a photorealistic image, and bring to life any vague concept that someone could envisage.

This gorgeous scene below was generated only from the words “rocky outcrop overlooking a stream in a forest.”

“Thanks to the 10 million landscape images Nvidia had previously fed the AI using the Selene supercomputer, an imaginary, yet highly believable landscape was born.”

If the pandemic has you sitting at home being bored then give the link below a try. You may be creating your own masterpiece in no time at all. Wickens sums up her testing of the updated Nvidia Canvas software with this.

All in all, it’s fun software to play around with. The AI even managed to photo-bash something believable from my ridiculous, amorphous scribblings, which is quite impressive. Plus, it’s generated in 4x higher resolution than the previous AI, so you can export 1024 x 1024 images now. I just wish it would let me design landscapes in the landscape, really.

So while it’s not quite the 4K desktop background designer we were looking for, it’s still very impressive, and I can’t wait to see what the next iteration can do. The Nvidia Canvas software is available for free, and will work for anyone with an Nvidia RTX graphics card.

read more at pcgamer.com