Devices powered by IoT applications show how virtual internet access has expanded into every aspect of daily life
Strategies to Protect IoT Devices from Cybercriminal Hackers & Spies
It is a pretty good bet that you and your environment at home are involved with the Internet of Things. From your smartphone to your voice-activated digital assistant, you are connected to the IoT. And like every other platform in today’s world you need to think about security for all your devices. We found a great checklist on how to make yourself and your IoT stuff safer. Lianna Arikelyen has a cool article we found at innotech.com. It contains a 7-point checklist. She writes:
“In this digital world where everyone is hooked on the latest technological devices, the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) is at the forefront of all industries. A lot of IoT devices like your company’s thermostats, security systems, vending machines, lights, and more rely on this kind of connectivity.
“Changes are already happening today, and as the days go by, IoT will undoubtedly become more advanced, impacting many sectors from healthcare to education. Right now, companies have welcomed IoT, turning into ‘smart’ enterprises to make life easier.
The internet-based convenience, however, can lead to hacking and misuse of company and financial information, as well as controlling smart cameras and mics to spy on you and steal your money and identity. Here’s how to ensure your privacy and security are intact.
The Magnificent Seven of Security
1. Start with Routers
The primary gateway to your smart facility is your wi-fi router because it connects all your IoT devices. Secure this router by changing the router’s default name into something unique and unidentifiable to deter cybercriminals. If you use the brand name and model number, scammers can search for the default login and password to gain access to your network. Most of all, go for the highest encryption level, which is WPA2 (soon to be WPA3). If you only rely on ordinary WPA or WEP, you are at risk
2. Implement Strong Passwords
Beef up your router’s password, along with the password of all your IoT devices. Usually, they require an account to log into the apps, so tell all your staff to create one-of-a-kind credentials for each account. This way, if one account gets compromised, all the others won’t take a hit. Most of all, ensure that everyone’s password is alphanumeric, with symbols and a mix of lower and uppercase so hackers can’t readily decode it.
3. Turn Off Universal Plug and Play
4. Disconnect Devices When they’re not in Use
5. Connect IoT Devices to a VPN
6. Favor Devices that Can Work Without the Cloud
7. Create a Secondary or ‘Guest’ Network
The most important piece of advice from Innotechtoday.com is to use a VPN router. If you configure your enterprise router with a VPN, everything connected to it will automatically be protected and secure. With a secure VPN, your company information is safe. Most reputable VPN providers make it simple to set this up and even offer routers that have been pre-configured for easy installation.
Find details on the last five tips for IoT security in the link below.
read more at innotechtoday.com
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