Streaming medicine makes it easier to get healthcare support online.
Streaming Services Help Doctors Provide Healthcare from a Distance
Working from home. Home schooling. Streaming you favorite church service to your living room. This is the current state of our culture and in many countries around the world. Despite depressing news, it’s still important to watch or read something to keep up on what’s important to your health, such as digital healthcare.
Chandra Steele wrote about the trend for pcmag.com, describing how the video doctor is already available for some.
With COVID-19 diverting medical resources and making in-person doctor visits a risk for patients and physicians alike, many healthcare providers are turning to telemedicine.
Medical practices, urgent care centers and hospitals are overwhelmed, and will only be more so in the coming weeks. Telemedicine lets doctors evaluate, diagnose and treat patients through a visit conducted via video or on the phone, whether it’s for a well visit, a follow-up, or even an evaluation for COVID-19. This form of care could be new to both you and your physician and knowing what to expect and what to have on hand could make the transition smoother and help you get the most out of your visit.
For those who don’t have a health care provider or have one who is not available for telemedicine, Doctor on Demand is a way to have a physician visit without going into a healthcare facility. The online service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Doctors visit via video through a browser or an app (iOS, Android) on phones and tablets.
The trend of having doctors evaluate patients over a video link will be an absolutely standard part of the future, even without the current virus problems.
If you have a smart phone or computer on which you can have a video visit, you and your physician will get more out of it than from simply talking on the phone.
“It’s more of an interaction,” says Dr. Daniel Kellner, a Yale Medicine urologist. “You can see the person. It’s actually like they’re coming to the office.”
Check with your insurance company to find out their procedures on video healthcare and then contact your doctor.
read more at pcmag.com
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