“We spent the last three years listening to feedback from our 200,000 Autoblow 2 owners and in response built the new machine that mechanically better replicates the gliding and friction combination of the mouth and hand that men experience during oral sex,” explained the device’s inventor Brian Sloan.
$250K Raised to Improve Sex Product with AI Learning
The sex toy company VEICI uses marketing research more than the average tech firm. That’s because its products are rather intimate.
VEICI, which stands for Very Intelligent Ecommerce Inc., most recently raised $250,000 on Crowdfunding, in spite of only seeking $45,000. Its plans to develop an AI-based version of an existing product would obviously appear to be a promising advance, right?
Well, that’s a matter of perspective, or more specifically, gender-based perspective.
Say Hello to Autoblow 2+XT, now made with AI. This really is the world’s latest oral sex robot/sex aide. Brian Sloan, inventor, started the company in 2007 to develop sex toys. According to a story in Business Insider, Sloan earned a law degree, but eschewed a legal career for online sales. He moved to China to launch VEICI, which began earning more than $1 million by 2009.

Inventor Brian Sloan of VIECI says his product outperforms any similar product on the market.
Journalist Priyanshi Mathur, interviewed the inventor for the India Times. Sloan explained that by using AI for the first time, the product has the ability to learn, adapt and enhance its preprogrammed functions. That should make for the perfect,uh,’experience’ for the user.
Sloan went on to say, that “By using artificial intelligence to, for the first time, understand the mechanics of blowjobs, we discovered and replicated techniques that make using our machine feel less robotic and more human.”
For $249, it’s certainly going to be low cost enough to add another 200,000 customers to its base. For another point of view, read the BUZZFEED article: “The “Autoblow 2” is a Robotic Oral Sex Simulator and it Looks Like a Rather Scary Place to Put Your Penis
For the rest of the story, go to indiatimes.com
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