Technology Association of Georgia Converge Conference logo.
Technology Association of Georgia Promotes IoT Event
The internet of things is an easy, and a difficult thing to explain to the average person. It’s clear that in involves the internet and we are all pretty clear about what that is. However the IoT is more than just you sending texts or memes to a friend. Below is an excellent, roughly 4-minute explanation as to what IoT is ,and why it will impact everyone’s day-to-day existence.
With the slogan, “Change. Connect. Converge,” the Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) hopes to attract tech companies for its initial IoT conference in Atlanta, one of the leading IoT areas in the southeastern part of America. The conference is set for September 10 at the Georgia Tech Hotel, near Georgia Tech University.
Described as “an immersive experience designed to demonstrate and engage in the Internet of Things,” IoT Converge 2018 aims to connect multiple industries and highlight trailblazers leading innovation within the IoT industry.
(TAG), the conference highlights its mission to educate, promote, influence and unite Georgia’s technology community to foster an innovative and connected marketplace. For more information, visit www.tagonline.org or contact membership@tagonline.org.
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