New OS Will Curtail FB, Google Access to User Info
Companies like Facebook, Google and advertisers will not have the same open access to Apple users who choose to use the new tools the company is rolling out in both its mobile iOS and desktop operating systems.
Both Facebook and Google gather information users share, such as from phone tagging and in tracking articles users read online from websites that use cookies. Apple is introducing intelligent tracking prevention for Safari on all of its devices, a feature that could reduce the ability of the companies to track users across websites and when someone uses “Like” or “Share” buttons.

Apple introduced new privacy features at its Worldwide Developers Conference this week.
Safari users will be able to avoid advertisers using “fingerprinting,” or identifying the unique characteristics of a device they’re using, with the new Safari design.
Additionally, nation states, law enforcement and “bad actors,” or criminals who want to steal a user’s private information, will also find it harder to access it.
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