It is hard fact that many of us will need heavy re-training in the next five years if we expect to stay employed. Once again technology has made our lives out dated.
The jobs many of us do today will just be pleasent memories in the near future, as will our paychecks if we don’t keep up. Below you will find two articles pointing the way to tomorrows job markets.
Some, but not all jobs are being threatened!
In Brief A report suggests people only have five years before automation and AI threaten jobs and force them to learn new skills for the workforce. The firm PwC surveyed 10,000 people from around the world, revealing people are concerned about automation, but they’re also willing to learn. Now, a new, separate report from PwC, the second biggest professional services firm worldwide, suggests a similar timeline; one in which people may need to practice and learn new skills — or be left behind as automation takes over.
The Reports Are In: AI and Robots Will Significantly Threaten Jobs in 5 Years
The recruiting industry must also get on board with AI or other headhunters will out draw them for the brightest minds.
Anuj Agrawal, 35, has dabbled in the recruitment industry since 2005. With no universal template around which resumes are written and structured, mining and matching thousands with job positions was a huge task. Available parsing technologies were basic and didn’t sort and match well.
The recruitment industry is undergoing a big transformation, and artificial intelligence has been one of the biggest drivers behind this change.
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