Companies like Amazon, Anthropic, Cisco, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OpenAI and PayPal joined sponsored the Coalition for Secure AI. initiative. This demonstrates their commitment to AI security and the collaborative development of comprehensive standards and practices, with an emphasis on the importance of secure-by-design AI systems. (Source: Image by RR)

Open-Source Community Led by Experts to Guide AI Security Standards

The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI), an initiative hosted by the OASIS global standards body, was announced today at the Aspen Security Forum, aiming to provide developers and practitioners with the necessary tools and guidance to create Secure-by-Design AI systems. CoSAI brings together industry leaders, academics, and experts to address AI security in a fragmented landscape by sharing open-source methodologies, standardized frameworks and tools. Founding Premier Sponsors include Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and PayPal, with additional sponsors such as Amazon, Anthropic, Cisco, Chainguard, Cohere, GenLab, OpenAI, and Wiz. The initiative focuses on securely building, integrating, deploying, and operating AI systems while mitigating risks such as model theft, data poisoning, prompt injection, scaled abuse, and inference attacks.

As reported in, the necessity of CoSAI arises from the rapid transformation AI brings to our world and its immense potential to solve complex problems. Currently, securing AI and AI applications is a fragmented endeavor with developers facing inconsistent and siloed guidelines. CoSAI aims to establish standardized practices to enhance AI security and build trust among stakeholders globally, supported by industry leaders and experts. According to David LaBianca of Google and Omar Santos of Cisco, CoSAI will democratize knowledge and advancements essential for the secure integration and deployment of AI, eliminating redundancy and amplifying collective impact through key partnerships.

CoSAI will initially form three workstreams: software supply chain security for AI systems, preparing defenders for a changing cybersecurity landscape, and AI security governance. These workstreams will focus on enhancing composition and provenance tracking, addressing investments and integration challenges in AI and classical systems, and developing best practices and risk assessment frameworks for AI security. Participation in CoSAI is open to everyone, and OASIS welcomes additional sponsorship support from companies involved in AI security.

Supporting statements from companies like Amazon, Anthropic, Cisco, Chainguard, Cohere, GenLab, Google, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA, OpenAI, PayPal, and Wiz emphasize their commitment to AI security and the collaborative effort to develop comprehensive standards and practices. These companies highlight the importance of secure-by-design AI systems and the need for standardized approaches to address AI cybersecurity. CoSAI aims to harness collective expertise and resources to fast-track the development of robust AI security standards, ensuring the safe and responsible use of AI technology across all sectors.