Lee Health in Ft. Myers, FL is using VR tech to treat pain in patients. (Source: Vimeo video from Lee Health)

Healthcare Tech Magazine Tracks New Efforts to Simplify Treatment

From new healthcare AR/VR tech to connecting patients with IoT, medical treatment will become easier, faster and more efficient, according to articles on healthcaretechoutlook.com.

More Informative Healthcare

AR glasses will provide information on conditions and treatments at medical facilities is one example of how the tech will transform how people are educated on treatments and surgeries, for instance. Diagrams and graphs will help illustrate the options.

Surgery Training

Medical professionals will be able to train for surgery with VR, allowing them to improve their skills on virtual patients with a variety of physical attributes.

Remote Healthcare for Chronically Ill

Home-based patients will gain VR walk-throughs on how to self-manage medicine and treatments. Areas that could be impacted are stroke and visual rehabilitation, exercise, stress management and speech therapy.

Reducing Pain

VR technology can distract and alter the impact of pain on the brain’s neural pathways and reduce suffering. Lee Health, the largest health care provider in Southwest Florida is using this for at least 120 post-open-heart surgery patients at a time.

Studying Cancer in 3D

3D models in VR will enable clinicians to study tumors and cancers in a more thorough way.

Treating Depression

Twenty-five percent of patients with clinical depression who use VR programs show improvement by using VR programs tailored to improve mood.

Early Detection of Alzheimer’s

A VR-based navigation test has proven an accurate way to determine if patients are showing early signs of the disease.

IoT Advantages

Improved health monitoring through wearable technology, better data sharing to medical providers and a significant cost reduction in medical consulting are all examples of how IoT will make it better and less costly for medical care.