Analysts Predict Tech Leaders to Be First Trillionaire Individuals
In the race to become the first officially recognized trillionaire, the website compiled a list that sounds like a horse race of entrepreneurs as they are coming down the stretch. Apple became the first tech company to win the race yesterday. PC Magazine analyzed how they did it.
The world’s wealthiest people collectively hold a $63.5 trillion fortune and are on track to exceed $100 trillion by 2025, according to a new analysis. Meanwhile, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – who became the first centi-billionaire earlier this year – is in the lead in the race to become the first individual trillionaire. Electronics and tool distributor RS Components has analyzed historical Bloomberg data to predict the world’s first trillionaires, in a report they titled The Four-Comma Club.
According to the analysis, Bezos is on track to become a dollar trillionaire in September 2030 – just 12 years from now, at age 66.
The youngest entrepreneur to become a trillionaire will be Yang Huiyan in July 2036, at 54 years old. Yang Huiyan is the Vice-Chairperson of Country Garden, a property development company based in China.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos laughs at questions during interview, as a trillionaire might.
The oldest businessman to become a trillionaire will be Alexei Mordashov, a shareholder of Severstal. He will be 89 years old and become a member of the four comma club in August 2055, the report says.
Not too far behind will be Tesla’s Elon Musk, who is expected to become a trillionaire at 78, in November 2050.
Meanwhile, extensive controversy does not appear to have knocked Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s wallet too hard. Zuckerberg can expect to join the four-comma club in December 2044, when he is 60.
What will this mean? An adjustment in our way of thinking about the very wealthy, for one. Also, the spell check program for this story rejected “trillionaires” as a word. It signaled misspelling and suggested billionaire. Obviously, software companies will need to update their programs to accommodate this shift.
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