A navy corpsman simulates real life situations using a VR parachute trainer. Photo by Chris Desmond via US Navy
Age of AI Offers Array of Possibilities
As the Age of AI infiltrates your existence, it might suddenly dawn on you, that in fact, almost ANYTHING can be made possible. Almost anything, any service, any product, can be enhanced with the magic that comes via algorithms. It’s as if a few short years ago, clumsy wizards began to conjure those cartoon like early GPS devices, and the huge mobile phones with batteries the size of your shoe.
Now we have the CP’s, chips and technology like Alexa, a digital assistant you can interact with from your living room, automobile or smart phone. Also GPS and smartphones have been reimagined and reinvented and work with such ease.
What could be more surreal than VR gaming? It enables you to move into a completely separate reality of fantastical worlds, dimensions and magical situations with the flick of your wand.

Sex-robot brothels have already opened their doors in Europe. Via WikiCommons
Recreational use of AI holds the most promise for life-changing developments. For instance, robots are being built solely for sex. Male or female bots can be ordered at almost any size, shape, hair style, even faces made to resemble your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend. These sexbots have high levels of digitally driven talents. They can speak with a sexy tone or an academic vocabulary. They can learn what you like or dislike in the bedroom. And creepy though it may be for most of us, there are currently brothels in Europe that are offering sexbot love, and are reported to be fully booked for months.
Studies say this type of sex will become increasingly popular as the tech gets perfected. Is it really any different from telling the voice of Siri to play your favorite music to make you happy? Or asking Siri to remind you to do some future action that you don’t want to miss? So telling a robot what you like sexually has one purpose, instead of the many we expect from current technology. Consider the possibilities.
Computers are emotionless at this point in their development. But, eventually, robots and digital beings may have feelings, emotions and possibly could develop their own desires. But what could those desires be comprised of? It is far too early to make more than an educated guess about what might make an AI robot feel good or bad about its existence.

Sony Corp’s entertainment robot “aibo” is pictured at its demonstration in Tokyo, Japan November 1, 2017. Photo: Kim Kyung-Hoon / Reuters
The tech humane society may have a few of Boston Dynamics stray dogbots to adopt in the near future. BD has produced and introduced a robotic dog line that one day may become the pet that doesn’t shed, poop or need food. The dog-bot will be every bit as good as a real furry watchdog for protection. Actually they will be better at detection and could be equipped with lasers to keep bad guys at bay. They won’t, however, keep your feet warm by laying on them. And the dogbots probably won’t jump on the bed to lick your face and spin around with excitement when you offer a dog treat. There are fishbots free-swimming in our oceans, without disturbing living underwater creatures. There are robotbirds if that is your choice for pet, and they don’t have to have their newspaper changed in their cage. Possibilities.
I was speaking with our CTO recently and I asked if he thought AI cameras could take a picture with a smell included. If you might one day take a photograph in a pine wood forest, and if you push this button, you would smell the pine trees while viewing the pic. Or if you are in a bakery, will a camera in the future capture the smell of sweet cinnamon rolls, to go with the photo or video. Not a terribly original idea I grant you, as I’m sure others have wondered the same thing.
Remember Penthouse Magazine and the “Penthouse Playmate Scratch and Sniff”? He offered the notion that an algorithm will be invented to synthetically conjure up a scent that matches your photo and gently wafts out of a digital assistant in the room. You’d put the smell assist next to your stereo speakers, so the box with the scents could be called a REEKER. You pull up a digital photo on your screen and suddenly out of the reekers, comes a scent that has been calculated to connect your brain to something in the picture. Like a dinner table image may produce the smell of tomato sauce, or candles burning and so on. Possibilities.
And you, gentle reader, have the ability to imagine a use for AI that would make you feel happy, or might help you solve one of the worlds major problems. So get involved with the Age of AI and imagine the possibilities. But don’t dawdle. It will soon be the Era of Quantum AI. Imagine what that might be like. Possibilities.
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