Could AI cure road rage?
Cars May Prompt Us to ‘Calm Down, Human’
Researchers are hoping to integrate biometric sensors for our daily commute or other trips in our not quite autonomous automobiles. These bio sensors will detect if the driver is stressed or tired or feeling happy and really to roll. By determining the driver’s state of mind, the car can then send prompts, or alarms to the driver or even take over the wheel completely in emergency situations.
Cars would be able to combine facial recognition technology while a sensor tracks pulse, breathing rate and sweat.
We all have been introduced to the future of transportation with the advent of autonomous vehicles. If you still aren’t up to speed on what they do check out the link below.
Look ma, no hands: what will it mean when all cars can drive themselves?
Scientists at Ford are collaborating in an EU-funded project developing advanced driver-assistance systems to enable cars to better respond to drivers’ needs, by recognizing human emotional states rather than just physical road conditions.Ford demonstrated an early-concept prototype, a customised Ford Focus RS, in London on Tuesday, which lit up according to the mood of its driver, who was wired up with fitness trackers and skin sensors. A computer then interpreted the biometric data to make thousands of LED lights in the side windows flicker along with the driver’s stress levels.
“A self-driving car which knows how you are feeling could reassure a stressed passenger, or if you’re happy about it being in control, just do its thing.”said Dr Cavan Fyans, chief technology officer of Sensum, the Belfast-based empathic technology company which souped-up Ford’s car.
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