Tech Trends to Watch in 2018
Trends are fickle and unreliable. Catchphrases on social media come and go without leaving much of an impression. Forbesmagazine.com has a vision of Mega Trends of 2018 that might actually leave a lasting impression on our modern world.
#1: The increasing datafication of our lives
The trail of data each of us leaves behind every time we visit the internet or even make grocery purchases is long and very much a commodity that is bought, sold and stolen daily. This databank of our lives is going to keep growing.
Just in the average minute, Facebook receives 900,000 logins, more than 450,000 Tweets are posted, and 156 million emails and 15 million texts are sent.With numbers like that, it’s no wonder we’re essentially doubling the amount of data created in the world roughly every two years.
#2: The IoT
The internet of things will be one of the main reason for the data explosion expected in 2018. The IoT is all the smart products of the world collecting your info from all angles. Your phone, your refrigerator, your TV, and all the rest of our modern appliances are gathering data and sharing it without human input or notice for most of us. But businesses and advertisers love that data and pay handsomely for it.
#3: Quantum Computing
Between 1975 and 2015, computing power doubled at a rate of every two years, before slowing to the current rate of approximately every two and a half years. We are reaching the limits of what traditional computers can handle according to Bernard Marr, a Forbesmagazine.com contributor. Marr points out that Quantum Computing will create computers that are millions of times faster that current models.
#4: AI; Everything from Cars to You Name It.
The wait for ‘singularity’ is almost over. The computers of AI will become more and more human with each passing week of 2018.
“This huge step forward in AI mean computers can now undertake more and more human tasks. In fact, it’s AI that allows computers to see (e.g. facial recognition software), read (e.g. analyzing social media messages), listen (e.g. Alexa standing by to answer your every command), speak (e.g. Alexa being able to answer you) and gauge our emotions (e.g. affective computing).”
Can you say “Siri, whats the weather?”, then you are already using AI to your advantage. Expect more in almost every way.
#5: The Rapid Growth of Automation
#6: 3-D Printing in Commerce and at Home
#7: Interacting with Technology
#8: Blockchains: It will change the world of finance
And the final Mega Trend of 2018:
#9: Platforms in Business
A platform is essentially a network (digital or physical) that creates value for participants by facilitating connections and exchanges between people for services, products or information.The platform is rarely the actual service provider; instead, it acts as a facilitator for the crowd, making interactions possible, easy, and safe for participants.
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