Data Repositories

Altana Startup Crusades for Supply Chains

Altana AI has the goal of becoming the [...]

How Chinese Hackers Breached Microsoft Exchange

China is suspected in the Microsoft Exchange hack [...]

Chinese Companies Use AI to Check for Smiles

    The Smiling Face Tech is the [...]

Intel Drives Sales with Dual Platforms; New Factories

The Intel sales AI Sense module extracts an [...]

New AI Apps Identify Skin Cancer Anomalies

Going Skin Deep with Neural Networks to Prevent the [...]

System Fails at Tracking U.S. Medical Records

Electronic health record tracking is lagging due to [...]

FaceBook Algorithm Teaches Itself

Facebook's new SEER algorithm teaches itself using the [...]

Study: Masks Problematic for Facial Recognition

NIST digitally applied mask shapes to photos and [...]

AR/VR to Gain Lighter Improvements

Leaked Peek of Oculus Quest 2. Oculus [...]

ML Looks for Life on Mars

ExoMars Rover will navigate and investigate Mars using [...]

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